
This blog was created for me to share my writings as I express the truth in love from my own study and personal experiences to encourage and inspire you to examine the scriptures and apply God’s word personally to your own life so that you may acquire genuine hope and joy in whatever state you find yourself in life.

I truly have a passion for the truth and sharing it with others. This deep desire started when some Christians lovingly reasoned with me from the scriptures and showed me what it really meant to obey the one true gospel. It was in October 2000 when I obeyed the truth. As a result of this, I have come to understand more and more that we don’t have to live a life of confusion with all the different religious teachings, but speaking the truth in love, we can boldly do the work of God with Christ as our head if we diligently search the scriptures daily with an honest and open heart sincerely seeking the will of the Father (Eph. 4:14-15, Acts 17:11).

How blessed I am to be able to serve God daily in my roles as a wife and mother! My journey as a disciple of Christ has been rewarding, yet challenging.  I experience doubts that test my faith, continually find faults within myself that provoke me to sin, been scarred by the sins of people close to me, and have physical and mental ailments that plague me daily including Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety just to name a few. I have had to fight through all of this to keep my faith and have wanted to give up so many times. I have come to realize that it is the endurance in seeking God through these struggles that provide me with wisdom and joy through these tests of my faith (James 1:2-3). Although I have had these trials, there is one main thing that has always kept me faithful. That is hope. With life’s mixture of delight, beauty, suffering, and pain, I want others to have this same hope as it gives purpose and meaning to our journey. God’s love revealed in the truth of His word through the sacrifice of His Son is where we will find hope and ultimately salvation (Rom. 5:5-8).

My heart’s desire is to share godly wisdom, burdens, and successes with you through these writings in a way that is authentic, relevant, and empowering. You are not alone and I am so grateful that God has given us each other to express His love in ways that are relatable using avenues such as this. Thank you for blessing me by being a part of this endeavor. May God be glorified as we all devote ourselves to the truth in love.