Proverbial Family: Foolish Feminism, Part 2

In Foolish Feminism, Part 1, I expressed how feminism started in a good place, yet today we're seeing a shift in focus to the extreme with the claim that men and women are inheritly the same. Since they obviously aren't, this is confusing our society and hurting families all around. The solution to this foolishness … Continue reading Proverbial Family: Foolish Feminism, Part 2

Conforming is Hard

Algebra. The dreaded subject by many highschoolers, and the very subject that gives my son and me grief every school morning. This is stupid....this doesn't make any sense.... why do I have to learn this...when will I ever use this in life.... .....are the broken record of phrases frustratingly sung by my son. As I … Continue reading Conforming is Hard

A Million Little Things Has One Big Thing Wrong!

“Love each other”....WHAT?! That was Jon’s last voicemail to his best friend, Eddie, who was having an affair with his wife, before Jon committed suicide in the new ABC series A Million Little Things? A blessing to continue on in a relationship that was breaking every promise he and his wife had made in their … Continue reading A Million Little Things Has One Big Thing Wrong!